Why Bitcoin is Failing with Kyle Samani from Multicoin Capital

WBD008 - Interview with Kyle Samani.png

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Why Bitcoin is Failing with Kyle Samani from Multicoin Capital - WBD008
Peter McCormack

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In this podcast I chat with Multicoin Capital Managing Partner, Kyle Samani. Multicoin Capital are a Cryptocurrency hedge fund and in this interview we talk about Kyle's view on Bitcoin and Ethereum and their investment strategy.

Breakdown of the show

00:02:36: Introductions
Pristine Inc
00:04:37: Discovering Ethereum
00:05:47: Starting Multicoin Cap
00:07:48: Starting a hedge fund
00:09:29: The key issue of custodianship
00:10:36: Multicoin's investment strategy
00:14:44: What are the big investors waiting for?
00:17:54: Volatility in the crypto market
00:19:01: Market manipulation by the whales
00:22:10: Why Kyle thinks Bitcoin is failing
00:26:54: Decentralisation within crypto assets
00:32:58: Tezos
00:34:56: Voting rights and capitalism
Professionalism in crypto
00:43:12: 0x (ZRX)
00:44:40: Ethereum and smart contracts
00:46:46: Dispute resolution
The complexities of the crypto space and its usability
00:52:22: EOS
00:53:51: Regulation within crypto
00:55:30: Nation state adoption
00:57:37: Crypto investment tips
00:59:46: Final comments


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