Becoming a Crypto Journalist with Laura Shin

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Becoming a Crypto Journalist with Laura Shin - WBD007
Peter McCormack

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In this podcast, I chat with crypto journalist Laura Shin, producer of the Unchained and Unconfirmed podcasts. In this interview, we talk about how Laura came to be a crypto journalist, why she chose to leave Forbes and various issues within Crypto.

Breakdown of the show

00:02:28: Introductions
00:06:32: Writing vs podcasting
00:08:30: Laura's journey into crypto
00:15:30: Crypto's role in society
00:18:49: Crypto economics
00:22:42: The petrodollar and other crypto currencies
00:25:45: Reactions to crypto from the US and China
00:27:36: The Senate testimony hearing
00:33:08: Laura's crypto investments
00:34:16: Reflecting on the crypto space since 2016
00:40:40: Bitcoin and Ethereum
00:44:54: Smart contracts and financial institutions
00:50:04: Scaling mass-scale decentralised systems
00:52:00: Scam ICOs
00:59:23: Lack of mainstream media understanding
01:00:08: The future for crypto
01:04:02: The future for Laura
01:04:57: Final comments


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