Arrested for Selling Bitcoin with Morgan Rockwell

WBD009 - Interview with Morgan Rockwell.png

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Arrested for Selling Bitcoin with Morgan Rockwell - WBD009
Peter McCormack

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In this podcast, I chat with Bitcoin Inc CEO, Morgan Rockwell who the Department of Homeland Security arrested for selling Bitcoin. In this interview, we discuss the case as well as the role of AI and the future of Bitcoin.

Breakdown of the show

00:03:27: Introductions
00:04:10: Why Bitcoin is so important
00:05:12: How Morgan discovered Bitcoin
00:09:10: The Terminator scenario
00:10:29: Google AI drones
00:12:12: Moral warfare
00:16:05: The advancement of AI and the morality question
00:19:26: The physics dictating the future of technology
00:23:37: Bitcoin for the future generation
00:26:03: How AI sees the world
00:30:21: Threats to Bitcoin
00:32:43: Mining in China and SHA256
00:35:40: The legal issue and Morgan's arrest
00:39:41: Homeland Security explained
00:47:19: State and federal jurisdiction
00:54:21: Legal precedents in Bitcoin
00:59:30: Potential penalties
01:03:15: How the trial has affected Morgan's life
01:04:37: Leadership in crypto
01:10:11: Morgan's current projects
01:14:24: Final comments



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