Trading Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies with Josh Olszewicz
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“If everything has sold off 70% or more, the risk/reward of going long instead of short here is much higher at this point than it was 2 weeks ago.”
Crypto Twitter is full of traders who have managed to gain a significant following but sometimes it is hard to distinguish between those who are genuinely skilled traders and those who have been lucky through a bull run. New traders will follow these personalities and use their posts to learn from, but also guide some of their trading decisions.
During the recent market crash, it has become easier to identify traders who understand market cycles and are trading both long and short to take advantage of market trends. One specific trader, who stands out in the space s is Josh Olszewicz, also known on Twitter as @CarpeNoctom.
Having survived the bear market of 2014, Josh brings a vast amount of experience and knowledge to the market. His popular YouTube channel is full of great lessons for those who want to improve their skills, and he is also a contributor to Brave New Coin.
I met with Josh on my recent trip to Washington and had the chance to talk to him about the market conditions, his approach to trading and why he believes in Bitcoin.
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Editorial contributions:
00:03:03: Introductions
00:03:30: @33kbyjuly
00:04:33: The tax issue
00:09:12: Plotting the bottom
00:13:26: Josh's background and move into to crypto
00:17:33: The early crypto trading community
00:18:51: Surviving the early bear markets
00:19:51: Becoming a full-time trader
00:22:45: Technical analysis vs fundamental analysis
00:27:46: Recommended indicators
00:28:53: Ichimoku Cloud
00:36:29: Bitcoin currently, according to the Cloud
00:39:16: Views on XRP
00:45:05: ERC-20 tokens
00:48:57: ICOs
00:53:28: Ethereum
00:54:36: What moves the markets
00:57:56: Bullish for the future of Bitcoin
01:00:17: Privacy and Coinbase
01:02:28: Thoughts on Bitcoin Cash
01:06:38: Advice for new investors
01:08:38: Spending crypto vs spending fiat
01:14:36: Final comments
Jason Camiolo for audio production, his website is at
James Parkin for helping me with admin and trading
Paul Edmonds for graphic design