The Role of The State with Desiree Dickerson
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“It was really disappointing to see someone attacking my credibility. That hurt more than anything. Trying to take away from the hard work I have put into the space. That really got to me”
Twitter and specifically Crypto Twitter is a great place to network, learn and debate the critical issues around the Crypto space. Desiree is someone I connected with a while back, and outside of Crypto and blockchain, we discovered we have a mutual love of the hardcore punk music scene.
After Desiree became the victim of a wholly disgusting Twitter troll, who cloned her account and starting harassing her friends and others on Twitter, I wanted to meet with her and discuss this. I wanted to understand the impact that something like this would have on someone and Desiree was very open about this. It was also eye-opening to see the poor response by Twitter in reporting the account, where they did not consider it to be harassment, but a parody account.
We don't only discuss the harassment; we also talked about the important work Desiree is doing in the blockchain space, specifically with regards to the work she is doing at Women for Women International and various issues in the Crypto space such as the role of the state.
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00:03:03: Introductions
00:04:11: Desiree's background
00:06:23: The fellowship explained
00:07:43: Blockchain FOMO
00:08:55: Blockchain opportunities
00:11:53: Women for Women
00:17:19: Investing in crypto
00:19:48: Desiree's parody account harassment
00:31:10: The response from Twitter
00:32:45: Different sectors attacking crypto
00:34:47: Understanding the crypto space
00:39:15: A future where we own our own data
00:42:09: GDPR
00:43:13: The privacy offered with crypto
00:45:36: Free choice and state control
00:50:38: The USA: a society divided
00:51:50: Crypto and the tax issue
00:56:43: Coin Center
00:58:10: Final comments
Jason Camiolo for audio production, his website is at
James Parkin for helping me with admin and trading
Paul Edmonds for graphic design
Tom Price for video animation and support