Getting Hacked and Losing Your Crypto with Nik Patel

WBD002 - Nik Patel Interview.png

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Getting Hacked and Losing Your Crypto with Nik Patel - WBD002
Peter McCormack

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In the second episode of The What Bitcoin Did Podcast, I chat with popular Crypto trader @daytradernik in detail about how he was hacked earlier this year, losing two-thirds of his portfolio and how he has bounced back. Nik also explains his approach to trading strategy, covering topics such as micro-cap trading, comparisons with trading forex and hedging his investments with Silver.

Breakdown of the show

00:04:36: Introductions
00:05:17: Nik's background
00:08:35: Getting hacked
00:14:53: Nik's book and Patreon funding
00:16:32: The BTC community steps up
00:19:40: Security advice…
00:20:27: … U2F keys
00:21:03: … detach your phone number from emails
00:22:04: … scams
00:23:35: … Ponzi schemes
00:24:17: Tether
Nik's trading strategy
00:27:46: Silver
00:34:13: Nik's portfolio preferences
00:36:35: Some trading terms explained
00:37:57: Technical analysis tips
00:41:01: Signals on Telegram
00:42:34: Margin trading
00:46:01: Recommended Twitter accounts
00:47:22: Buy and sell walls
00:53:03: Forks and ICOs
01:00:34: Final comments


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