Crypto Asset Valuations with Jamie Burke from Outlier Ventures

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Crypto Asset Valuations with Jamie Burke from Outlier Ventures - WBD005
Peter McCormack

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In this podcast, I chat with venture capitalist and CEO of Outlier Ventures, Jamie Burke. We discuss crypto asset valuation and what Jamie and Outlier look for when investing in crypto startups.

Breakdown of the show

00:05:57: Introductions
00:06:14: Jamie's background
Web 3.0
00:10:29: Outlier Ventures
The future vision for Outlier
Potential regulation
00:26:23: Referencing the John Pfeiffer white paper
00:27:33: Distinction between currency and commodity
00:32:30: The value of the enterprise vs the value of the token
00:36:31: The economic model of tokens
00:40:32: Market speculation vs fundamental principles
00:43:48: What a crash means for the whole asset class
00:49:31: How Outlier support their investments as a venture platform
00:54:41: How Outlier are building out their connections to support their investments
00:56:17: The opportunity blockchain brings to the UK economy post Brexit
00:58:51: The challenges which face blockchain startups
01:05:39: The legal frameworks of crypto assets and whether they are a security
01:12:35: Future for Jamie, Outlier and what the market needs
01:16:48: Final comments


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