Everything is Coming to Bitcoin with Zack Voell & Willem Schroe
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“Bitcoin’s mandate to separate money and state, to disrupt an entire fiat financial system, and to act as the internet of money, that’s very broad and that encompasses a lot more than just what the Bitcoin base layer can do and what the Lightning Network can do.”
Zack Voell is the Director of Marketing and Communications at Botanix Labs and Willem Schroe is Co-Founder and CEO at Botanix Labs and the Inventor of the Spiderchain. In this interview, we discuss how and why Botanix are bringing an Ethereum Virtual Machine to Bitcoin, the culture clash and building on Bitcoin.
Coming Soon…
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Mentioned in the interview:
Spiderchains: A Proof Of Stake Second Layer | Bitcoin Magazine
Federated Sidechains are Bitcoin’s Original Upgradeable Sidechain Implementation
An Overview Of The Tradeoffs For Different Sidechain Implementations
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